- Does your ecommerce site include a shopping cart?
Yes, each eDirectHost Site Manager store includes includes a product catalog, integrated shopping cart, secure checkout and online order management. Back to top
- What else is included in each ecommerce site?
In addition to the shopping cart we provide you with a complete ecommerce admin environment. This includes a customer database, order history, order reports, product import, and full export capabilities. Back to top
- What is a merchant account?
A merchant account is a special bank account that enables you to accept credit cards. A merchant account is not included with your store. Back to top
- How do I setup my site to accept credit cards?
A merchant account is a special bank account that enables you to accept credit cards. The first step is to obtain a merchant account. If you choose, you can use our provider or if you have an existing account you can have that one setup for your store as well. To process transactions online you must have an account with an internet credit card processing gateway. The following gateways are supported: Authorize.net, Link Point and Verisign. Back to top
- Do I have to have a merchant account and gateway to setup my store?
No, our stores can be used with a wide variety of payment methods such as PayPal. Or, you can even setup a store to take orders and then bill your customers with a printed invoice from our system. Either way each store is fully equipped to process and collect orders for your products. Back to top
- How are orders processed on my site?
Most of the system is automated. To get started all you need to do is go to the store manager and enter your products into your store catalog. This will automatically setup them up for your shopping cart and make then available for ordering via your site. When orders are made you will be notified via email. Simply login to your site and click the store manager to view and process orders. Back to top